PAWer’s Wish

PAWer’s Wish


Environments, Equipments and the Staffs @PAWer’s Wish

We do hundreds things to provide one fabulous service! Not only delivered your pet, caring your pet, or wash your pet but pampered with nice setting facility, vehicle and staffs who has fully covered experiences and licenses. These bellows will show you just a part of who we are and what we do. You will be a witnesse when you experienced our services!


We offer an easy-to-use online inquiry form that can help you estimate the costs of your pet’s travel when you PCS in/out, shipping your pet from here or to other country.

Type of Vehicles; We’ve decided which vehicle to use depending on the number of pets, size of crates, both vehicles are maintained and have safety checks very frequently by the professionals.

Mechanical Inspection Frequently; Being our important routine tasks to  take the level of monthly quarterly, annually check-ups, deeper checked by the professionals after the every long round trip.

Insurance Coverage; for all onboarding guests. It’s not as for a “live animals” specifically but it’ll be taking care for all guests as a “luggages” on each pet in case of accident occurred during the travel.

*We are not able to use regular pet insurance since it must be on each pet specifically with details. This is what delivery company is used for what you’re delivering.

Our Pet Transport Service is only for your pet, also able to accept luggages as well but not the passengers.

It is important to note that while you can typically schedule last-minute rides, availability may change throughout the year.

Environments Inside; 

Thorough Temperature Control; A/C or heater are keep room temperature to be comfortable for the all PAW guests. 

Be Comfortable; Set up couch and double bed are for paws use, using Vari Kennels for the each guest’s room they only go in there for meal time end sleeping time. 

Enjoy the Freedom; Wake up in the morning till the night, all PAWs have access to the inside and outside and enjoy their adventures with all other FURiends!

Environments outside; 

Many type of Ground Surfaces, concrete, grasses and gravels, and each of these have wide open area and roofed/shaded area and all PAWs have choice to go everywhere! 

Allows Top Speed; Enjoy the PAW race, can go for more faster for all type of PAWs!

All-Weather; Our play field doesn’t care for any type of weather, rain, snow, even storms! Covered areas are pretty spacey, all PAWs can go outside in the bad weather!

Find a Nice Breeze; sniffing around and take some adventures… choices are yours! and Of course everyone has decisions to stay out or go inside and enjoy the siesta!

Who’s working @PAWer’s Wish

These 3+2 paws, and 1 two-leggs will take well care of your furry baby!


Owner / Agent of the PAWer’s Wish -PAWs On The Move- 
I am 100% pure Japanese “breed” whom has trifecta background to own this business; Animal Care, Less of Language Barrier, and Driving Skills.

-Animal Care- in many places, for different fields, still learning, put much effort as much as possible to keeping self-updated… over 30 years of experiences in this industry, was starting with the professional DogShow Handler after approximately 7yrs of training term underneath professionals at the DogShow, did everything by own such as feeding/training/grooming to win a champion at the show for them and their owner, brought them to the dog show that were held in Tokyo/Osaka area and other prefectures for most of the weekends, drove large size bus as a transport vehicle. Max number of the dogs that I have took care was approximately 30 dogs at the same time! And you’ll be a witness by seeing those part of photos and trophies when you come to the PAWer’s Wish!

-Less Language Barrier- Worked at the Misawa Air Force Bace for over 10 years and Animal Boarding Facility at same Base for over 5 years as the Facility Manager, also took care many importing/exporting animals at the time. Knowledge of how to handle the procedures such as pet (dog/cat) import/export for US military members, have great connections with agents/brokers including with the animal quarantine services for the owners to make processes easier.

-Driving Skills- The instructor and the examiner for most of the vehicles at the Drivers License School for 10 years. What I have learned from those experiences is to be the model of the driving-expert based on a healthy mind and how I could pay good attention to around while operating the vehicle, and most importantly, I’m on the mission to come back home safely “every single day” for my beloved furry babies!

-Vital Ingredients- Also known as the Super FAN / Diehard of the MIAMI HEAT and Dwyane Wade is my boy, Mr. 3, and 3 is my favorite number! When I got to go, I’ll be fully geared up for the every games! Love to play various sports especially the Bowling and the Softball, back then, volleyball and basketball are my soul. You’ll see how much I love those when you visit my shop!

SAL -Selena-

Hi! I’m a Saluki girl and I’m the Basic Manner Training Master of the shop! I’ll show you how its done inside and out of the house! I love to visit many places and do love the vet visit! I cloud have been a pretty shy and nervous at the vet when I was the little girl but I became to enjoy the visit after the “trick” has shown!

NEELUU -Neelprabbha-

Hi! I’m an Afghan Hound girl, I’m the Cuddling Master of the shop! Also known as the Forever-Pupil who does need to follow the thing that someone doing! When you lean something from Selena, I’ll be next you or in your sights and do what you’re learning. But don’t hate on me even if I can do better lol! Oh, and I’ll watch TV with you at the movie night while you’re staying here!

VITO -Vitusson-

Hi! I’m a Saluki boy and I’m the Playtime Master and Safety Guardian of the shop! I’ll show you how to play with the ball, chasing bird (mostly those crows who come here every day to teasing us!), racing with the other paws and more! Our mom loves to get new “things” very frequently, sometimes, I have to be on my mission to check those if it’s safe for everyone (mom: yeah you do do that really lol) ! I’ll keep you up for the whole time, keep my eye on whole area, check on every single visitor when they come to the shop, and you won’t get bored, in danger whatsoever!


Hi! I’m the new addition to the PAWer’s Wish family after the long term stay at here! I’m still learning a LOT from my big sis’s and bro, plus many FURiend every day! My job at here is to say HI and show to all my new friends who are little bit shy and small! I hope that I can do more play and running faster like my sis’s and bro, they are too fast and I cannot even reach to them so I have to say “wait for me” a LOT!

CLEO -Cleopatra- 

Hi! I’m the new addition to the PAWer’s Wish family after the long term stay at here! I’m still learning a LOT from my big sis’s and bro, plus many FURiend every day with my real sister Aya! I know that I’m the smallest girl here, but I can do a TON of things …be like …be like …well, I know where I can hide, so I’m the master of Hide and Seek! And yes, I hope that I can do more play and running faster like my sis’s and bro!

PAWer’s Wish -PAWs on the Move-